One Weird Thing That Happened

I wear my engagement-ring around my neck, because my finger had got too big for it. It’s not something that I usually wear over my clothes, but I make exceptions.

When I was in England, and Mel wasn’t around, I was downstairs in the kitchen with his landlady, and she asked me why I wasn’t wearing the ring on my finger. I explained, and she mentioned that she’d stopped wearing some of hers because her fingers had got too small. Then she decided to try whether the ring would fit her. It happened so quickly, I guess that’s why I didn’t say no to this, and ended up bent over as she tried on the ring (she’s shorter than I am, and I hadn’t taken the chain off my neck). Looking back, who does that? And without waiting for permission, at that? It still kind of weirds me out, and this happened a couple of weeks ago.

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