Time for my other children

Before I went on my leave, I took all my plants home from work, because I am an anxious person at times and wanted to be sure they would be taken care of properly. I’d rather be pissed at myself for them being mistreated than at a coworker. Thing is, I have not taken them back to work with me. In some cases, because they are still tiny and Dad and I think it’d be better if we didn’t move them around too much. In some cases, because they are too big and I don’t have the space at work for them anymore.

It’s time for an update of my plants! Behind the cut, because it’s rather image-heavy.

My Tradescantia Zebrina. This is a recent addition, adopted (as so many of my plants), and currently living at work.


Sadly, my previous Rana Verde (Peperomia Rana Verde) died. Its pot got knocked over and it didn’t recover from the shock. I hope this one won’t go that way.


My Callisia Rosato. Different in that I bought this one, and didn’t adopt it. I love the light purple leaves.


Coleus Blumei (Plectranthus scutellarioides) This one I also bought, for much of the same reason as the Callisia. Just look at those funky leaves!


My coleus rotundifolius (Plectranthus rotundifolius or Solenostemon rotundifolius) (I am sensing a theme here…). The flowers were a welcome surprise. Lookit how delicate they are! This one I took back to work with me.


This is also a coleus, I think, but I can’t which one exactly. Along with the rotundifolius, it went back to work with me.


One of two hanging plants. This one is the largest. The jar says it’s a geranium, but I don’t know if that’s correct. The plant-watering app I use says to treat it as a tradescantia, so maybe that’s correct? (They also say to treat the coleus as begonias, so you know.)


Teeny-tiny kalanchoe! They’re not growing much width-wise, but they are getting taller.


Forget-me-nots I sowed at the end of August. They seem to be thriving.


My chain of hearts (Ceropegia woodii). It’s not doing all that well, and that has me worried. I don’t know what to do about it.


The other hanging plant. As I said, these are doing very well.


My pancake plant (Pilea peperomioides) is doing very well. It keeps on growing new leaves, and we’re very happy together.


And finally, my spiderplant (Chlorophytum comosum). It came home with me because it needed to be repotted, and it never left.


I am lucky in that my cat doesn’t seem at all interested in supplementing her diet with green stuff, and doesn’t seem to need to eat plants in order to throw up. I think she just ignores them.

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